Ways to Use Podcasts as an Education and Marketing Tool

In recent years, podcasts have become a prominent source of entertainment, current events, and more. The audience reach is much more widespread than when podcasts initially appeared on the scene, making it an incredible tool for both marketing and education for businesses as well. Industry professionals are always searching for a way to get their message across, and utilizing a podcast is the best way to convey core beliefs, company values, and expertise.

Why Podcasts Are Beneficial to Your Business

As business owners, we’re all searching for that secret key that will set us apart from the competition. This medium can provide you with the conversation with your target audience and clients that social media simply can’t, and you’ll be able to delve deep into important topics and connect directly with listeners. Regardless of whether you’re a podcast guest or host, you have the power to start a conversation on what you feel is noteworthy.

Think about when you yourself listen to podcasts. By the end of an episode, you generally feel like you know the host or guest more intimately, right? That’s exactly what you want your listeners to feel, and in turn, that can present you with more business.

Podcasts Versus Other Types of Media

In light of the recent uptick in quality of podcasts, it’s not uncommon to hear people talk about “binge-listening”. The beauty of podcasts is that you have the tools to make your content easily devoured by listeners, by sharing your expertise and opinions on industry topics and issues that are timely.

These recordings are also evergreen, meaning once you put them out there to the world, they can benefit your business at any time rather than exclusively at the time you broadcast the episode. Remember to be authentic, and quality content is key.

Best Practices for Being a Podcast Guest

Being a podcast guest and subsequently being interviewed on a podcast can create instant recognition for you and your business. That being said, it’s important that you put in the research before agreeing to be a guest, as you ultimately want to make sure that your offerings and values match up well with that of the show and its audience.

From there, choose a topic that is unique to past episodes and pick something that you’re passionate about that will set you apart from other guests. When it comes down to the interview, prepare thoroughly in advance and practice if needed. Be considerate, listen to the host’s questions, and give thoughtful answers that will provide listeners with great takeaways. Feel free to be candid and honest, but respectful to the overall message.

Starting Your Own Podcast

It’s incredible how accessible podcasts are as a medium – available anywhere and virtually any time with smartphones. This is a major appeal to podcast hosts, as our message and knowledge can be shared with the press of a button. If you’re looking to pursue a new avenue of education or speaking opportunities, starting a podcast is a great way to build up your experience and establish a following.

My tips on getting started are simply this: decide on the WHAT and WHY of your podcast, get organized, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Make sure that your show has a purpose that’s invaluable to listeners, and especially one that’s going to keep them coming back for more content. Start by also creating an editorial schedule where you can map out topics in advance so you don’t run into any dead-ends. And most of all, you’ll want to figure out your tech setup. There are tons of resources to help guide you through getting the right equipment, and it could also be helpful to enlist the help of someone to help edit your episodes. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] for referrals.

As a host or a guest, exploring podcasts as a way to market yourself and educate others can be a wonderful asset with a number of benefits that follow.

Andy Kushner is the creator
and host of The Wedding Biz podcast, 
interviewing prolific thought leaders and 
talented icons within the wedding and events industry.



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